この推奨を「choosing wisely」ではどのように記載されているのか紹介してみようと思います。
- Choosing wisely:CKDのある小児のCVやPICCに関して
- 小児の腎臓内科専門医への相談なしにCVやPICCを留置しない
American Academy of PediatricsからのChoosing Wisely
Stage 3-5のCKDにおいて、小児の腎臓内科専門医への相談なしにCVやPICCを留置しない[Choosing wisely]
Do not place central lines or peripherally inserted central lines (PICC) in pediatric patients with advanced (Stage 3-5) chronic kidney disease (CKD)/end-stage renal disease (ESRD) without consultation with pediatric nephrology due to goals to avoid adverse events, preserve long-term vascular access, and avoid unnecessary and costly procedures.
Preservation of vascular access is critical for long-term dialysis patients. Placement of central and PICC lines has been associated with an increased incidence of complications including vascular injury, thrombosis and central venous stenosis that can limit future use for dialysis access. Placement of central and PICC lines also potentially increases cost due to the treatment of complications from the lines, requirement for radiological tests to identify patent vessels for dialysis, and the necessity for repeat surgical procedures to create vascular access for dialysis.
Studies in children are limited, but research about PICC lines demonstrates a 23-57 percent incidence of thrombosis in adults and increased complications in children who are exposed to multiple PICC line placements. Studies from adult patients have demonstrated the high risk of vascular injury after central line and PICC line placement. National guidelines from the Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI) have recommended avoiding placement of central lines in CKD patients, if possible, due to the high risk of complications. The recommendation to avoid central line placement is the basis of vascular access preservation in the “Fistula First Innovation” program for adult dialysis patients. National guidelines from the Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI) state the following: “In patients with CKD stage 4 or 5, forearm and upper-arm veins suitable for placement of vascular access should not be used for venipuncture or for the placement of intravenous (IV) catheters, subclavian catheters, or peripherally inserted central catheter lines (PICCs). Because of the substantial risk for loss of useable upper-extremity veins and central venous stenosis with PICCs, the Work Group recommends strongly that PICCs not be used in patients with CKD”. Special consideration may be necessary in emergency circumstances in which no other safe access is achievable.
Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative(KDOQI)の全国ガイドラインでは、合併症のリスクが高いため、CKD患者には可能な限りセントラルラインの留置を避けることが推奨されている。
成人透析患者を対象とした “Fistula First Innovation “プログラムでは、CVCの留置を避けるという推奨がバスキュラーアクセス保全の基本となっています。
Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative(KDOQI)の全米ガイドラインでは、以下のように述べられています:「CKDステージ4または5の患者では、バスキュラーアクセスの設置に適した前腕および上腕の静脈は、静脈穿刺、静脈内カテーテル、鎖骨下カテーテル、または末梢挿入型中心カテーテルライン(PICC)の設置に使用してはならない。PICCを使用すると、使用可能な上肢静脈が失われたり、中心静脈が狭窄したりする大きなリスクがあるため、作業部会ではCKD患者にPICCを使用しないことを強く推奨しています」。
CKDのある小児のCVやPICCに関してでした。小児のchoosing wiselyを沢山読んできましたが、その中でも最長の文章で下値。
Yang RY, Moineddin R, Filipescu D, Parra D, Amaral J, John P, Temple M, Connolly B: Increased complexity and complications associated with multiple peripherally inserted central catheter insertions in children: the tip of the iceberg. J Vasc Interv Radiol 23:351-357, 2012.
Costello JM, Clapper TC, Wypij D. Minimizing complications associated with percutaneous central venous catheter placement in children: recent advances. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2013; 14:273–283.
KDOQI Vascular access guidelines 2006 Volume 48, Supplement 1, Pages S176–S247.
McGill R, Ruthazer R, Meyer K, Miskulin D, Weiner D: Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters and Hemodialysis Outcomes. Clin J Amer Soc Nephrol 11:1434-1440, 2016.
Gonzalves CF, et al: Incidence of central venous stenosis and occlusion following upper extremity PICC and port placement. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 26:123-127, 2003.
Forauer AR, Theoharis C: Histologic changes in the human vein wall adjacent to indwelling central venous catheters. J Vasc Interv Radiol 14:1163-1168, 2003.
今回は、CKDのある小児のCVやPICCに関するchoosing wiselyをご紹介しました。
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